Temporary Display Innovation Super Wrap Clip

Super Wrap clip

Your dream retail display

Once upon a time, there was a display that was a hard work to assemble in store, looked underwhelming when complete, lasted a minute before it was damaged in some way, and was ridiculously tricky to deconstruct and dispose of at end of life.

These displays tended to make marketers feel deflated and angry because they were a costly investment and needed to present their brand in the very best way to shoppers.

To be honest that was the status of most tower displays and dump bins, and for many producers, this is still the case.

During our 18 years creating some of Australia’s most iconic temporary and semi-permanent displays, we devised many iterations and innovations of these sort of displays; less manual tabbing, better sheet yield, lighter, more energy efficient, more compact – you name it, we gave everything a go!

But in 2019, we set ourselves a mission; to truly innovate the everyday free-standing display unit (FSDU) in Australia.

Ultimately, what we needed to achieve was easy to assemble (who’s had the problem of displays not making it out to the shop floor!), great looking, redressible display for multiple brands and campaigns, that lasted longer and left brand marketers feeling that they were receiving excellent value for their investment.

It’s quite a big job to nail all these pet hates with temporary displays, but as with all good industrial design, the devil is in the detail.

Enter Super Wrap Clip!

We engineered a display system that has been created to keep display construction and deconstruction easy, robust in store, and make dressing with graphic kits quick and looking great with no tape required.

The innovation is in the way that the display folds and ‘clips’ together. Most temporary displays are considered single use, but with environment, cost and branding at top on mind, we created something that was dedicated to reuse, and a solid pathway to premium graphic updates – not just a poster stuck on top!

Super Wrap Clip extends the life of a display

The patented clip enables us to focus on the design of the generic display, and simply update in store with a customisable dress-up kit that clips into the existing display.

The beauty is that what was once a temporary display, becomes semi-permanent marketing hero-piece that can be used across brands and activations, without throwing out the initial investment!

Check out this little movie and book a quick demo!

Super Wrap Clip – Australian Innovation Patent No. 2017100155
