Striking the balance between retail impact and ease of assembly.
Industrial design and production by id8 Studio.
We are thrilled to showcase some of our recent creative work for client Brown-Forman Australia.
The team at id8 Studio love a creative design brief. Over the years, we have created some of Brown-Forman’s most iconic retail displays. But this brief presented us with even more of a unique opportunity to create a range of iconic and memorable FSDU’s that showcased a new product launch with a fantastic social cause.
Brown-Forman’s latest ready-to-drink spirit range ‘Part Time Rangers’(PTR) is not only super cool creative work, it’s also an in-store activation for an excellent cause: CONSERVATION. The new RTD low calorie beverage is available in three fruit flavours and a portion of profits goes toward protecting elephants & rhinos through the charity Big Life Foundation.
The showstopper! Initial POS ideation for Part Time Rangers Pink Rhino display.
Our role was to bring the campaign to life in-store with a range of high impact and engaging FSDU’s.
id8 Studio were tasked to create a retail display suite suitable for all store sizes and formats nationally. Each solution needed to bring the brand message to life instore, draw attention to and communicate the very important and compelling brand story.
Early concepts for the PTR double case stacker header.
POS Display Creative
In the entertainment industry there is an old saying “Don’t work with children or animals” – they are unpredictable. Try working with Rhinos and Elephants! Striking a balance of size and complexity of the PTR suite of displays was a very enjoyable challenge. Big enough to make an impact, but small enough to find a home in-store. Enough elements and features to look realistic, but not too many components to make assembly a problem.
In response id8 Studio developed PTR suite of retail displays:
- 3 shelf FSDU
- Case topper
- and the “Showstopper” pink Rhino
Just like in the movies, the audience always looks for the adorable child or animal and they steal the show!
Materials & Manufacturing
In-line with the core values of conservation, the display suite was designed and produced using environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes. All base structures used 100% recycled board and all components were printed using soy-based inks with a protective water based matt finish making them recyclable at the end of their lifecycle.
A massive thank you to Brown-Forman for trusting id8 studio on such an important launch of PTR into Australia and a special shout out to Dynamix developing the eye catching creative.
Keep an eye out in-store and enjoy sipping while you save being a Part Time Ranger.
Get in touch with our specialist team to talk about your next retail marketing activation.